Reborn Grace
Mother Mary
The Daughter of God
Mother of All Souls
Mother of All Peoples
Queen of Heaven
Reborn Grace
Mother Mary
The Daughter of God
Mother of All Souls
Mother of All Peoples
Queen of Heaven
Signed in as:
Reborn Grace
Mother Mary
The Daughter of God
Mother of All Souls
Mother of All Peoples
Queen of Heaven
Reborn Grace
Mother Mary
The Daughter of God
Mother of All Souls
Mother of All Peoples
Queen of Heaven
My name is Ki'Leah as given to me by Moses. When I asked him the meaning of the name, he told me it shall mean the heart, mind, body, and soul of God. Blessed am I, the one whom brings this to the new world.
Just a few years ago, I had a completely different belief about my life. I was a mother, wife and daughter. Now I am much more than the definition of those titles. I always have been more but I didn't know it. I allowed others to define me rather than myself.
My eyes and mind are open to that which I may not be able to see, may not be able to hear, may not be able to touch, yet I know to be true. It is difficult to explain how it feels unless you have experienced it yourself. Most days I have gratitude for these new experiences. Other days, I wish I was just "normal". I am walking into my destiny with my eyes open even though sometimes I wish I could just get in bed and cover my head.
I am here to help guide our children with their gifts.
So begins my journey and I welcome you to experience it as well
We are all here to form a whole. The actions of one ripple through the universe. I have seen it in my daily life as I changed how I reacted or responded to things occuring in my life. I started seeing a change in those around me following my lead and taking a pause before reacting.
I enjoy working in the background and I do not seek a spotlight. It has been shown to me that at some point in my future, I will indeed be in the spotlight. I will be ready at that time but for now, I heal and guide others so that they may shine in a spotlight of example for others.
My gifts are supported by being an Usui Reiki Master as well as trained in Oracle Cards, Pendulum divination, mediumship, and crystals.
I am gifted with all of the clair gifts as well as access to the Akashic Records and I carry the Kabbalah within me.
My guides are Moses, Metatron, Michael, Raphael, and Pablo Picasso.
Telepathy and Channeling are also within my resources. As the first daughter of God, I have limitless resources available to share with others.
For those who are unable to purchase a reading, please email me and we will work out an exchange of energy or trade of services.
I struggled with the idea of charging for my gifts but these funds will be used to purchase land and to create a farm for abused/neglected children. Caring for our children and helping them to accept and use their gifts is more important than my wish to give freely to others.
This video is an example of my healing light language channeled from my higher self. It is a language understood by the soul even if your mind does not understand.
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